Can the courage developed through hard physical training, which helps us to face and overcome unseen internal battles, also help us to battle the devil?

In the message on Christian courage, Jim initially talks about the courage that exists during conflict and war and then discusses the unseen battle in which followers of Christ have to have great courage in order to fight the most vital battle against the devil.
Anyone who trains also needs courage. This includes the courage to overcome the fear and apprehension that naturally occur with any physical challenge as well as the unseen internal battles we all encounter every time we try to achieve a personal best or reach our goals. Going to the gym, or undertaking any physical activity, can seem like going to war. It reminds me of Mike Mentzer, a body builder from the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, who believed in high intensity training, for he used to say that he prepared to go to the gym in the same way as someone would prepare to go to war. He said that no matter what he faced or how tough it got he would not be defeated and he would overcome anything that he might face.
So, I leave you with the question: Do you think the courage developed through hard physical training, which helps us to face and overcome unseen internal battles, could also help us to develop the courage we need to face the ultimate battle against the devil?

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