What are the dangers of focusing on physical success and can it ever lead to Godly success?

After listening to Chris’s message ‘Successful Living’ at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iirQY3VvUpI&t=2s I considered what is needed to be successful in any physical activity we undertake to improve our fitness. I think everyone would agree that we need to be dedicated, determined and committed, traits that Chris says were demonstrated by many biblical characters. However, Chris also says that it’s through our relationship with Jesus that we will not only be successful, but also find worth, value and happiness. So I pose the question: What are the dangers of focusing on physical success and can it ever lead to Godly success?

1 Comment

  1. James Pounder says:

    It’s all a matter of priorities in my view. Physical or worldly success can be a great tool for the faith in that success attracts people to those who possess it. As long as the successful individual whether it be someone who, for example, has an excellent physique or has a successful business, gives all the glory to God, physical success is not inconsistent with Godly success. In fact, when God knows your heart, He can grant you worldly success because He is confident that you will give Him the glory.

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