Can physical exercise be a form of spiritual discipline that can be used as a response to God’s love for humanity and his creation?

In 2013, Tracey Greenwood and Teresa Delgado published an article entitled “A Journey Toward Wholeness, a Journey to God: Physical Fitness as Embodied Spirituality”. In the article, they suggested that physical fitness, when expressed through exercise, can be a form of spiritual discipline that reflects not only the rational love of humanity to God, but also an expression of a healthy love for oneself. They conclude by saying that physical exercise, and our responsibility to attend to the physical fitness of our bodies, can be undertaken as a response to God’s love for humanity and as an expression of the love for God’s creation, as God intended. Do you agree or disagree?

1 Comment

  1. Jim says:

    In my view, hard physical exercise requires fortitude and resilience, essential qualities in the Christian journey of sanctification which involves tough times.

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