How has your own experience of being healed, or not, affected your faith in God?

There is an easy and obvious link between the message from Jim this week and our physical health and wellbeing because the message concerns healing. It is difficult to explain why God doesn’t heal all injuries and sickness. I know this all too well from personal experience because in my early twenties I badly injured my knee playing rugby.  This resulted in chronic issues despite three surgeries to try and address the problems.  However, this lack of healing has not affected my faith.
How has your own experience of being healed, or not, affected your faith in God? If you are a person of faith, how do you answer friends or family members who ask you why doesn’t God always heal?” 


  1. Jim says:

    Any idea that somehow or other we can control God through prayer meaning He is obliged to heal in response, is not supported in Scripture. This means, tough as it may seem, whether or not God heals when we would like Him to, should have no effect on our Faith.

  2. Elaine says:

    I’ve never really suffered from anything that I haven’t managed to cope with and overcome but I did have a believing friend who wasn’t healed and in fact went on to pass away, I think my faith was tested and I can honestly say it didn’t diminish.

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